
Rev. Linda Catlow               Tel. 01782 848699

Church Address:-

Trentham Methodist Church
Barlaston Old Road

Time of Sunday Service:-
10.45 a.m. (Weekly)
  6.00 p.m. (Monthly)


Weekly Activities:-
Regular events - Church
        Ladies Fellowship -  First Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm
        Trefoil Guild -  Second Tuesday of each month 2.30 pm
        Mid Week Communion -  Second Wednesday of the month 10.30 am
        Wesley Guild -  Third Tuesday of the month 7.30 pm
        Luncheon Club - Third Thursday of the month 1.00 pm
        Coffee Morning - First Saturday of the month 10.00 am in aid of charity
Regular events run by outside organisations
        Barlaston Old Road Play Group  - daily 9.00 am to 12 noon
        Slimming Club - every Tuesday 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
        Rainbows, Brownies and Guides - for details contact leaders